Sultania Containers

Located at the foot of The Can't Die mountain in the south west of Köyceğiz Lake, Sultaniye Hot Springs dates back thousands of years. It is known to have been used by Kaunos in 100 BC. During the Byzantine period, accommodation facilities were expanded.

The facilities built during the Byzantine period today were flooded by The Village Lake. It was turned into a comprehensive hospital during the Roman period. According to sources, the entrance to the hospital reads, "In the name of the gods, death cannot enter here."

Inseable Mountain is also named after here. Rheumatism, kidney and urinary tract disorders, metabolic disorders, mental fatigue, skin and gynecology. Sultaniye Hot Springs' water contains calcium chloride, calcium sulfate, calcium sulfur, bromide, radon and radioactive substances.

Sultaniye Hot Springs with a water temperature of 39 degrees is the highest radioactivity hot spring in Turkey (98.3). It has rehabilitative properties due to the high level of radioactivity. Patients who were brought in bedridden are said to have walked away after receiving treatment here. Sultaniye Hot Springs can be reached by boat from Dalyan and by boat or by road from Köyceğiz.
